Hello, I am

Eleni Briola

Machine Learning Scientist

Who am I ?

Machine Learning Scientist at DMI

Welcome to my Personal Website! I am deeply passionate about the world of machine learning and its transformative potential. My journey encompasses both academia and industry, allowing me to bridge the gap between theory and real-world applications.

Personal Info

  • Birthdate : 29/01/1994
  • Email : helenbriola@yahoo.gr

My Expertise

Machine Learning & AI

Expertise in designing, training, and deploying machine learning models to solve complex problems, with a focus on real-world applications in meteorology, privacy, and data science. Skilled in both supervised and unsupervised learning techniques.

Python, TensorFlow, PyTorch

Proficient in Python for data analysis, modeling, and development, leveraging frameworks like TensorFlow and PyTorch for building robust deep learning architectures. Experience in developing scalable, high-performance solutions.

Cloud Web Services

Extensive experience with cloud platforms such as AWS and Kubernetes for deploying machine learning solutions. Skilled in managing scalable infrastructure and integrating cloud-based services into AI workflows.

My Resume

Work Experience

Machine Learning Scientist - DMI

March 2024 - Present

  • Design and develop machine learning models for real-time weather forecasting and nowcasting using high-resolution radar and satellite data.
  • Lead the development of AI-driven solutions to enhance meteorological predictions, focusing on sustainability and renewable energy applications.
  • Collaborate with cross-functional teams to integrate machine learning techniques into operational workflows.
  • Optimize machine learning algorithms for scalability on supercomputing systems like LUMI, leveraging multi-GPU and distributed computing architectures.
  • Contribute to international research projects and proposals, including Destination Earth.

Senior Software Engineer - SciGen Technologies

January 2020 - February 2024

  • Participated in architecture, design and implementation of back-end features using Java, Spring Framework and MySQL and implementation of front-end features using ReactJs, HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
  • Promoted experience with Kubernetes, Docker and Amazon Web Services.
  • Leader for Horizon 2020 project ThrombUS+
  • Coordinated with other engineers to evaluate and improve software and hardware interfaces and review project specifications and designed technology solutions that met or exceeded performance expectations.
  • Integrated third-party tools and components into applications and develop robust, scalable, modular and API- centric infrastructures.
  • Deployment of commercial products worldwide.

Research Associate - Democritus University of Thrace

July 2023 - November 2023

Project Title: «Privacy-Preserving Federated Learning Application for diagnosis of coMmunication disordErs iN Child development (Acronym: FLAMENCO)», «HORIZON- 2020»

  • Federated Learning application to an existing software application suite, which is used to diagnose communication skills development in children, detecting potential deficiencies timely and accurately.
  • Algorithms usage to ensure users' privacy and prediction accuracy (Fully Homomorphic Encryption, client selection techniques, state-of-the-art aggregators).
  • Simulation of a Federated Learning process using real-world data from IoT edge devices and incorporating the proposed extensions.

PhD Teaching Assistant - Democritus University of Thrace

July 2020 - September 2023

  • Reasearch about Drug - Target Interaction prediction with Deep-Embedding Learning of graphs and sequences using BERT pretrained method and protein SMILES.
  • Mentor and tutor individual students.
  • Teach undergraduate course "Algorithms and Complexity" (Python).
  • Teach undergraduate course "Data Structures" (Java).

Researcher - Athena Research and Innovation Center

January 2019 - September 2021

Project Title: PROMOTE Project under the call RESEARCH – CREATE – INNOVATE (project code: Τ1EDK-02474)

  • Created a mobile application that utilizes information about user based on their social media profile and recommend places to visit using Machine Learning Algorithms
  • Wrote research papers, reports, reviews, and summaries regarding Social Network Analysis with emphasis on information about tourist behavior and privacy protection.
  • Performed research into study topics to increase knowledge and to provide valuable contributions and gathered and organized information for research purposes.
  • Collaborated with leadership team to identify relevant questions and determine best methods of collection.


Ph.D.: Machine Learning

Democritus University of Thrace - Xanthi, Greece

July 2020 - Present

Application of Machine Learning Algorithms and Privacy Enhancing Technologies in Life Sciences

Master of Science: Algorithms and Privacy

Democritus University of Thrace - Xanthi, Greece

November 2018 - May 2020

Thesis: Application of Machine Learning Algorithms to Social Media Analysis.
Grade: 9.75/10

Master of Engineering - MEng: Electrical and Computer Engineering

Democritus University of Thrace - Xanthi, Greece

September 2013 - October 2018

Thesis: Social Network Analysis
Grade: 8.48/10


Machine Learning & AI
Python (TensorFlow, PyTorch, Scikit-learn)
Data Analysis & Visualization (Pandas, NumPy, Matplotlib)
Cloud Computing (AWS, Kubernetes, Docker)
Software Engineering (Java, ReactJS, MySQL)




Cups of Coffee


Years in ML & AI


Greek Songs on Repeat